Milestones... Every mother out there knows that in the beginning months and even years of life, milestones seem to consume our thoughts. And how can we help it? With all the baby books out there telling you what to expect and when to expect it, I find myself obsessing over things such as Chase being able to roll from front to back, but not back to front.
Sometimes I feel I read too much about how my baby boy should be sleeping, eating, rolling, smiling, staring, crying, socializing, napping, sitting, playing, drinking, smelling... Ok maybe not smelling, but you get my point? So far I have had a healthy obsession with watching Chase accomplish such small tasks that only a parent can see worth mentioning. Such things as finding his feet for the first time, or passing a toy from one hand to the other. And as for the tasks that he took his time on, I never began to worry because I have learned that my little boy has a big personality and he does everything in his own time and in his own way. Whether it is eating big boy food for the first time or looking down after he dropped his toy, every milestone is amazing.
The most recent milestone Chase has accomplished is protesting when a toy is taken away. Oh boy does he protest. Protesting is actually an understatement. Chase has a lovely habit of only tolerating a toy for 5-10 minutes max before he becomes frustrated and angry at it. Whether it is his jumpy seat, exersaucer, or a simple rattle. Eventually he begins to scream and we have to remove him or take it until he calms down. This wonderful habit is something I am certain he has gotten from his dad. In the past we take the toy and he calms down soon forgetting why he was so pissed. But here comes the new milestone of memory and the lovely tantrums that accompany it. I had to take a bottle of water away from Chase the other day when he began yelling at it for not being able to fully submerge it down his throat. This is when I got my first dose of Chase and his cute protesting milestone. First he did the silent windup and next he let out a God awful scream with the full on tongue quiver and shriek that makes your hair stand on end. Let me tell you, this is a milestone I could do with out. My sweet precious little baby boy is quickly becoming a little man with a personality that will knock you on the floor.
So as I clapped and cheered while taping him rolling over, eating his first foods, and everything in between, this will not be one you hear me bragging about. This post is more of a warning to everyone that I may in fact be one of those moms you see in the grocery store as my son drops limp to the floor screaming and crying while everyone around me looks in disgust. Optimistic, huh? I guess I should give him more credit than that. I could look at it like my son knows what he wants and goes after it. Here's to high hopes...