At first I was jealous of everyone who slept at night. And now, now I am just over it. Sleep is for those who have nothing better to do. I for one, have given up on sleeping. "Oh it will get better," they say. "Is he having a growth spurt?" "Did you eat broccoli?" "Let him cry it out!" "Is he too hot/cold/hungry/not hungry/teething/gassy/______ (insert your suggestion here.)?" NO! He just wants me to give up everything for him! Including my sanity! He will sleep for an hour or so at a time and than scream right when it's getting to the good part in my dream. Like he knows. The one joy I still get out of sleeping is when we finally get up in the morning and he slowly opens up those big ol eyes and gives me the biggest smile. Right when I think I am going to lose my mind all together, he makes it all go away in one second. Like he knows.
omg, your little bubby is soooooo freakin' cute!!!
so cute!!
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